Schezwan Cheesy Pasta with Spinach and Mushrooms!
Schezwan Sauce - 1/2 cup or to your taste | check out on (
Any shaped pasta / spaghetti / noodles (cooked) - 6 to 8 cups
Finely chopped onions - 1/4 cup
Finely chopped Bell Pepper - 1/4 cup
Finely Chopped Spinach - 2 to 3 cups
Mushroom diced - 1/2 cup
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Finely Chopped Garlic or garlic powder - 1 to 2 teaspoon depending on your taste
Green Chilli or Red chili powder - 1 teaspoon or to your taste
For garnishing:
Cheese - 1 cup or to your taste - I personally prefer any cheddar cheese or a mix of cheddar with Colby/Monterey jack
Parmesan Cheese
Mixed herbs
Salt to taste
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